Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Love?/"The Edge of Doom": A 20-something's response to Shakespeare's Sonnet 116

I don't know which is more difficult, loving or being loved but I suppose they're one and the same since you can't really give love if you aren't willing to accept then, can I really say I've experienced love? I mean sure one can be loved without accepting that love (i.e. God's love) but if I don't embrace love then I can't actually claim to have experienced it, right? But it's just that love presents such a vulnerability, you know? & I always secretly admire people who can just me they might as well be skydiving because I, instinctively retreat or vanish if I find myself too far off the ground. It's weird...even amusing, that I can understand all that is the opposite of love but love... to be near, in my opinion, is what it means to stand at "the edge of doom". And yet, there is no safety where there is

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